Heya here,
A quick email to let you know that I've just released a new version of ihatemoney, and a few other news.
# ihatemoney.org
The hosted version at ihatemoney.org was hosted by myself for a few years, and after a crash of my server, I contacted Always Data, and they proposed to host our server infrastructure. The migration has been made and I'm pretty happy with the result.
Current admins there are Rémy and I (Alexis), but I'm looking for at least another person to help here. If you're following the project from some time and are willing to help, please step up!
# WebApp client
With all these changes, I would also like to point to a work that's been initiated by Rémy Hubscher (@natim on github) in order to have the UI available as a webapp. He developed a working prototype available at https://spiral-project.github.io/elm-ihatemoney/ and you should be able to use it to connect to your already existing projects.
# Changelog
Add CORS headers in the API (#407) Document database migrations (#390) Allow basic math operations in amount field (#413) Add bill.creation_date field (#327) Document PostgreSQL configuration (#415)
Do not allow negative weights on users (#366) Fix docker image (#398) minor documentation changes
Update API project list (#405)
See you for another update!
Alexis Métaireau https://blog.notmyidea.org